Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Worst Luck

Yesterday, they were doing maintenance on World of Warcraft, and mine was one of the last realms to come up.

Today, I took my lunch at 1:00 again, hoping it wouldn't be the same thing. There are, like, four realms down. Mine is one of them. It will probably be the last one to come back up.

If one thing is going to kill MMORPGs, it will be the, "I'm sorry, but you just can't play right now because we only have your data in one place and that machine is open right now with half of its guts strewn on the floor next to the poor guy whose job it is to fix it."

And I'm not saying it's the company's fault, really I'm not. It is a lot of data to store, and you can't keep all of it on every server. However, the frustration it causes in the people who are forking over money to pay will be what kills their interest in the game eventually. Considering that most of us have the attention span of a California Fruit Fly toked up on weed, I can't see how it won't all eventually implode.

Which is a shame. It's a cool game. When I can get in to play it.

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