Tuesday, March 08, 2005

What the #$&*$#*

So, yesterday, I walked to work in a short sleeved t-shirt. I am not a tough person where weather is concerned. It was 70 degrees yesterday at the high.

Today, it snowed. Big flakes. Windy. Miserable.

I realize there are places (Jason) where the weather is probably suckier than this (Jason) and the people there are tougher than me and don't whine about the teensiest bit of snow.

However. It sucks to get teased one day and then have it pulled away.

Is this what it's like to be a high school boy and have a girlfriend who won't put out?


Anonymous said...

It was 52 here Sunday. Tell me about it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I would like to say one more thing:


Kathy said...

Talk about kicking me while I'm down. I'm freezing my coconuts off down here and you come at me with the loss of yet another Pro Bowl cornerback. Wah.