Monday, March 21, 2005

On Tuesdays, you can get Premium for a Leg

Originally uploaded by lostonpurpose.
Perhaps some of you have seen this or something like it before. I think it would be a funny joke if gas wasn't, you know, nearly twice as expensive as it was five years or so ago.

I suppose that's what happens when you piss the entire world off. But that's another entry.

This is, however, a very good reason to get a Hybrid. I get gas once every six or seven weeks. It always seems to go empty right at the height of the gas prices, though, so I suppose that's the universe's way of telling me it will take my money one way or another.


Shocho said...

I absolutely love this. I wish gas was $10 per gallon. The Stupid Utility Vehicles suffer so much more than us car drivers. Stick 'em good.

Brad said...

I want to scream "Hell yeah!" hybrid's aren't enough even. Diamond Crysler says it's hydrgen cars will be in the marketplace in 2012 and Shell has said it will be easy to convert all gas stations to hydrogen stations. I want to be so behind this. Did you hear that gas is $3 a gallon in Malibu? I want to say that hybrids and hydrogen cars aren't enough and go with solar powered cars!

But it would be hypicritical for me to do that right now, as I load up my full size pick-up truck and get ready to drive over mountain and into mountain - where horsepower is needed.


Anonymous said...

I'd consider a hybrid with my next car purchase in a couple years, but what do they cost in comparison to a gas-burner?

Kathy said...

It wasn't that much more, Jason. Mine was about $21,000. Plus you get a tax deduction and you save money on gas in the long run.