Saturday, March 05, 2005

New DDR Developments

Here's what I got this morning that I hadn't done before:

B4U Heavy: AA*
Tsugaru Heavy: A (had a B on it before)
Ladies Night Heavy AA* (kept eluding me, I would blackflag one step near the end and ruin it)

And one almost:
Nearly made it through V Challenge. Got about halfway through and my head went all blooey on me. Did pretty well after the bar was gone, although I was knackered and nearly did myself a mischief there. I think if I worked on it this week, I could at least get a C on it.

I was helping Cheryl through her first few songs last night. Brought back a lot of memories of swearing by myself in my living room that I would never catch on. She's got a lot more guts than me. I didn't even let Tom watch me until I could pass 4's.

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