Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Fruits of someone else's labor

Originally uploaded by lostonpurpose.
Here it is! Two checks and about a week after we decided to do it, the floor is in. Installation, according to the mister, went pretty well. They did attempt to freeze him out of the house, but he seems to have come through it okay.

I almost don't want to put all the furniture back in. We only had the rug down and the dining room table back when I took the pics, but I have about half the furniture back in there now.

The only thing I have to do now is finish putting the little felt doohickeys on the legs of the chairs and then move the approximately 1,535,543,234,221 books that we have back in there and re-organized on the bookshelves.

So, you know. I'll be done in about four and a half months.


Shocho said...

Rug? RUG? On that beautiful floor?? I say thee nay!

Kathy said...

We're chicken that the big heavy table will scratch the floor eventually, or put dips in it.

Plus, it looks a lot nicer under there in person. I am sad to have to cover up some of the floor, though.

Anonymous said...

It looks fantastic and in only two weeks, I am impressed