Friday, March 11, 2005

Things I learned today

A watched web page never updates.

Nervous salespeople make me outrageously uncomfortable.

When you hear the figure "30% off wholesale" and you know it's true, it makes you buy things. Even from nervous salespeople who make you outrageously uncomfortable.

When one of your friends forgets to do something and has to fess up to their wife that they didn't do it, it is a friendship test whether he chooses to unfairly throw you in front of the train to save a tiff in his marriage or not. On this particular occasion, count it as a failed test.

Some things are not do it yourself projects.

There is a good reason I wear a sports bra when I play DDR. If I forget it when I plan to play away from home, I should probably just not play.

Trust your instincts when the telephone rings. 90% of the time, some part of you knows who it is.

When you think to yourself, "I have to remember to do that later" at a time when you are perfectly capable of performing the task in question, yet you do not because you are too lazy and choose to procrastinate, there is a 100% chance that you will forget to do it entirely. You will realize it too late, and spend the rest of the day berating your lazy ass inside your own head.

If you go outside your sphere of people you've grown accustomed to and really watch the 'new' people around you, you will get the distinct impression that your average person is at least a little bit insane.

Perhaps the most annoying type of person is one who is poorly-informed in a particular subject, yet completely convinced they have it all figured out. In fact, they are so sure that they correct you, even though it is clear that you know more about it than they do. Double the irritation if it is your job to know the things the person is correcting you about. There is a disease running rampant, and it is 'know-it-all-dumbass syndrome'.

I love my laptop, but I hate that I have grown so accustomed to its keyboard that my right hand is naturally offsetting itself on 'normal' size and layout keyboards.

I currently own three more video games than I have time to play. Yet, I am bored a lot of the time. Someone explain that temporal shift to me.

I have made a shift. Until recently, if I was given a choice of reading a book with a fabulous plot and a so-so writing style, I'd take that over a well-written book with a so-so plot. I've made a complete 180 there.

I'm sure I learned other stuff, but I was probably lazy and forgot to commit it to memory.


Shocho said...

I also have too many games to play, and so does Tee. However, as a result, I seem to occupy my leisure time pretty well, so maybe that's a good thing. I mean I'm not sitting around thinking, "What should I be doing now?" Although I do spend time bitching about all the games I have to play that could be used playing some of those games.

Anonymous said...

You can always try an MMORPG. That will devour your soul in large gulps.