Friday, March 04, 2005

Creative symmetry

So, I'm at Chuck's. There are four of us, now that everyone else in the old Friday Night Gaming Night group seems to be gone. Chuck and I are on the far sides of the room, and our respective spouses are in between.

Chuck and I both have our laptops on (gasp!) our laps, of all places, talking about the blogosphere and adding doodads to our sites, and my mister and his missus are rolling their eyes at us and giving each other quizzical looks.

Given my last post, I'm sure it's clear exactly what level of geekdom I reside on. Now that I've re-read that post, in fact, I realize most humans can't really make sense out of any more than the last two paragraphs of it. Believe me, I know now exactly what a poindexter I am.

I mean, this is on par with IMing with someone you're in the same room with, really. I added a creative commons license and made Chuck reload the page (across the room from me, mind you) so he could see it. We also both re-generated our counter codes until we each came up with a moderately less objectionable advertisement along the bottom of the button, again, all while in the same room with each other.

I'm sure there's some sort of social commentary that can be made here, but I think I'm not the best one to do it. Possibly some luddite could articulate how strange it is to "connect" with someone via the internet when you are sitting in the same room as them, but ironically, such a person would never have occasion to stumble onto my blog.

Oh, the irony.

This just in: I can prove what a humongous nerd I am. I swear I answered all these questions honestly.

I am nerdier than 87% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!


Anonymous said...

I only scored 19% nerdy. But I think there's a very specific line between nerd and geek. This truly was a *nerd* test, with lots of questions about elements, computer programming, higher math, and things which in general I only barely come into contact with.

*Geek* tests tend to quiz your love of science fiction, science-related news, left-of-mainstream entertainment, and that sort of thing. I always score off the charts on those.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I scored a 35, but I guessed on a few and I blame some of them on the fact that I've known Mike B. for over 10 years...I think the programming language one was a booby trap set just for me, i.e. I couldn't program the PC to do anything, but I've heard about all of them!

Anonymous said...


What, you don't know your Manganese?

Anonymous said...

Is that what that was? :)