Monday, March 07, 2005


Okay, so who wasn't waiting for Michelle to figure back into 24?

I confess, I thought that whole, "I turned drunk and Michelle eventually got pissed off and left me" storyline had something to do with, perhaps, the girl who plays her having another job or something. So I'm not saying I saw it coming. I just really, really wanted it to happen.

By the way, all last season, I was plagued with "what else has she been in" disease, until I realized the truth and spent about two hours rolling my eyes at myself. You see, I spent a brief period in college watching two soap operas. One of them was (gack) One Life to Live, and she was on that show when I watched it.

I think she eventually died tragically, although I cannot, for the life of me, remember why or how. I can only assume that she had amnesia at some point, or perhaps discovered an evil twin or two.

I just Googled it, and apparently, I should be happy that I appear to have prioritized my brain to block out any fact from watching that horrid show. I just read a little synopsis of what happened to her character, and none of it sounds all that familiar. She didn't even get a tragic death, it appears. Just a "slink out of town because you're embarassed".

How much does that suck? I mean, half the fun of being on a soap opera would be getting to do the dramatic death scene, followed by the inevitable return from the grave. Then some wild sex, a wedding that's interrupted by your long lost love who you marry instead. Then you have a kid who goes off to military school at the age of four and returns two years later as a petulant 16 year old looking for trouble.

But I'm rambling.


Anonymous said...

OK, so most of you reading this know how much I try to avoid spoilers for TV shows I follow.

The flip side of this is, I really follow the entertainment industry, and like to be up on new things coming down the line -- just not upcoming *plots* on shows I have already decided "I will watch every week, thankyouverymuch, no need to encourage me further in this matter."

Now, most of the entertainment web sites I frequent are pretty good about warning you if a link you're going to click or a paragraph you're going to read contains a spoiler.

The trouble is, I know the main actors from 24 by name. So about 7 weeks ago when the link to an article was titled "Carlos Bernard returns to 24 in February," there was nothing I could do. Similar problem when, three weeks ago, "Reiko Aylesworth is back at CTU." (Although in this second case, the signs were certainly all pointing to her return, and I think I would have figured it out by the end of the episode anyway.)

Still, fuck those assholes.

Kathy said...

Holy crap, I panicked for a second there. When I wrote that post, it was right after 24 here in EST. I thought for a second that I had spoiled Michelle coming back for you! Ack!

Perhaps I'll wait a few hours before I get all spoilery on 24 or Lost or Veronica in the future, just in case. ;)

Shocho said...

Well, I think part of it is naming your post "Last night's 24" or something like that. I saw a few other posts that said "Michelle's Back" in the title.

I agree with Evan's point about wanting to read about the entertainment industry, and sometimes not being able to avoid spoilers. That's how I read about season 1 of 24 (which we were watching on DVD at the time) in a preview of season 2. Spoiled a lot for me.

Anyway, good episode. I liked Michelle's new Bitch Boss look.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to panic you there, Kathy. :-) But I do appreciate you taking the no-spoiler thing seriously. :-)

Yeah, in the Mountain time zone, they air everything one hour eariler than in the east, but of course, they're two hours behind. The net result -- as a one-hour show finishes there, it's just starting here.

You go ahead and post what's on your mind. I'll be sure to catch up with my TV before I come and check your blog. :-)