Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Random Bits

I like both of the quotes Google gave me today:

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
- Aristotle
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'
- Isaac Asimov
Can someone fill me in on whatever some commentator said about Danica Patrick and an appliance of some kind? I tried to Google it but got nowhere.

You guys know those spiders in the Hinterlands in WoW? In case you don't, there are some big spiders which, when you kill them, have two tiny little pissant spiders emerge from them to do tiny little attacks that are mere nuisances until you can dispatch them. Well, I had a bad run there on my own last night, and ended up fighting two trolls in rapid succession followed by two spiders with no time outs in-between. These things are only about 2 levels lower than me, so it was rough. I did not mean to do this; I have been fighting no more than two at a time there for days and this was just a blip. I made it through the first three fights okay, but my pet (poor Hedwig) died at the beginning of the fourth battle. I had to melee the last spider, and it was a race to see which one of us could hold out longer. I had the tiniest sliver of health left at the end. I started to move the mouse to my potion (duh, forgot I had some potions on me during the battle) and one of the little broodlings hit me for 10 (10!) and killed me. Guh. So funny. In other WoW news, I'm now friendly with the Wildhammer Clan, but I have found no quests. I may have done it for naught.

When I got to work this morning, I found out that a busted water main had left us without water and sewer service. Telling a pregnant woman that she can't drink water or use the restroom for an indefinate amount of time is roughly comparable to, oh, say, being Charlie during the first half of the first season on Lost. (Drive Shaft. You know! "You are everybody! You are everybody!") I thought I was gonna have to call in Locke to zen me through it. Thankfully, the fine city repairmen got the water back up around 9:30 a.m. and all is well.


Shocho said...

Here's a page with Bernie's quotes about Danica:


Sorry for the f'ed up URL.

Kathy said...

How is it that fucker still has a job? If "saying stupid shit without thinking" isn't a fireable offense when your bleedin' job is to say things, then what the fuck is?

I guess he's okay unless he says something really offensive, like "fuck", or shows a woman's nipple covered with a weird star-shaped thing.

Funny how the moral majority is silent on this one. I guess everyone has the right to say things or do things as long as they secretly (or not so secretly) agree with them.

TheGirard said...

it's freaking car racing. It's par for the course.

that's right chuck, i just called you a redneck. ;)

Shocho said...

Whew! For a minute there, I thought Mike was calling me a "golfer." Now THERE is an insult.

Shocho said...

Ecclestone called Patrick to "apologize," and repeated his comment, leaving her perplexed and confused:


Kathy said...

Color me similarly perplexed and confused. What an asshole.