Saturday, March 04, 2006

Our Sleepy Angel (Thank Goodness)

Ever since I mentioned how I discovered why our B was waking in the middle of the night when she wasn't all that hungry, she has slept through the night almost every night since. She woke for some food last night at about four a.m., but other than that, she's slept at least seven hours on that first nighttime stretch for nearly a week.

We're blaming her wake up last night on a slight weekend variation in her schedule and bedtime routine, something we are going to avoid from now on while we're solidifying her sleeping pattern. I really don't want her to have to wrestle with the myriad sleep problems that I have. Please remind me of this when she gets older and doesn't want to let the day go and I have to leave her crying in her crib or her bed until she accepts that it's time to go to bed.

Tonight I brought her up at 11:00, which is a little later than we've been coming up, but I did read to her at the right time and she was asleep in the bassinet we have downstairs at the same time that I normally put her down in the upstairs bassinet. She didn't even awaken for the transfer from one to the other, so I think that almost counts as sticking to the routine. I realize she can tell it was a little different, but she seems to be sleeping really soundly so far, and I hope it rolls on for another five hours or so from now.

Which reminds me, I should go to sleep RIGHT BLOODY NOW. I had the loveliest three hour nap this afternoon, but I'm starting to get tired again and I should probably grab some shuteye while I can.

(Oh, it's not really related, but I am, in the most Martha Stewart of ways, sewing some hats for the B because I can't find cute hats in colors other than pink and yellow in the stores, and she pretty much has to be in a hat when we go out to keep her warm and keep the sun off her face. I will post pictures as soon as I finish one, assuming it doesn't look like a jurby.)

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