Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Onesie Pillow

I think I said in some post awhile back that I was going to keep one of the B's first onesies and make a pillow out of it or something.

Well, pillow? Check. This was my favorite of her 0-3 month size onesies. It says "Baby Bunny" on it and has a little bow, if you can't see it well enough in the picture. I kept calling her baby bunny when she was wearing it, and I got a little attached to her in it.

This might be a little too sentimental, but I feel better still having it than giving it away. The used baby clothes store only gives about a quarter for used onesies, so that wasn't a big loss.

I swear I will not be making pillows out of the clothes she outgrows at 14. I'm keeping this and her holiday outfits for the first year, and that's it.


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