Sunday, March 19, 2006

Links to Stuff I Think Is Notable

A pic of links, get it?Welcome to this episode of link-o-rama.

First up, These two Star Wars geeks are my heroes. This video of a lightsaber duel was produced, including some really good effects, by regular joe Star Wars fans. Stuff like this helps me forget those scripts and Hayden. Almost.

What is the deal with Target having some really ridiculously expensive stuff all of a sudden? I know it's not a "discount" store per se, but $90 trash cans that are on sale? Are you frakking kidding me? We bought two ceiling fans at Lowe's yesterday, and when you add the prices of those two items together, they were only $50 more than one of those trash cans. And they move the air in the room, have a light kit included, and have the side benefit of entertaining the baby. (One fan is for the baby's room, and it is the cutest freaking thing that she will hate when she's fourteen.) But really, Target, I veto your $90 trash cans. WTF. $10 Rubbermaid cans with a flip-up lid FTW.

A video of Chuck Norris reading some Chuck Norris facts. Unfortunately, it's from the worst sports show, period, but still funny. To quote Dodgeball, "Thank you, Chuck Norris."

Good news, everyone! For those of you who care, there's a very good chance there will be at least one brand-new, 26 episode season of Futurama produced. Info from Billy West, who damn near does half the stinkin' voices on the show, so he should know. Oops...crap.

Stuff is changing at Disney parks. Not only are they updating Pirates of the Caribbean, but they are also changing the Haunted Mansion (search for "Here Comes the Bride"). I have mostly negative feelings about this, but still mixed. I loved those rides so much as a kid (we used to go once a year and visit my brother in L.A.—we'd go to the park all together, and I have very nice memories of those trips) that any changes to them go straight to my solar plexus. But the mister asked me when I was kvetching about this to him, "If the changes they make give today's kids a better park experience and make them enjoy it as much as you did when you were a kid, isn't that better than freezing the park at some random earlier date just so old people like us enjoy it marginally more?" I just don't know. I bought a DVD of someone's old home movie they took inside Mission to Mars (an old, now closed, ride at Disney where they pretended to fly you to Mars in a big spaceship—until I was six, I thought we really went) for nostagia, so I clearly want to hang onto the past but if the updates make B love it when we take her, I guess that would be okay.

Has anyone tried Perplex City? I fear it's too late to get involved in any sort of meaningful way.

For you 24 fanatics, there is a pretty good 24 wiki.

Brought to you by the sea of humanity on that "other" blogging site, here are the last 40 images posted to Live Journal.

Try this flickr game if you're bored and have 300 seconds to waste.

I have a couple more links I'll save for later. The B needs a diaper change!


Shocho said...

Dawn Roscoe, who now works at WizKids, turned me on to Perplex City. It's available in game stores in Seattle, but not around here. Nobody knows what it is. I want to play.

Kathy said...

This joint sells Perplex City card packs. I think I'll buy some and give it a try.

Mkae said...

Awesome entry. There was a lot of great stuff here. We did see the closed Haunted Mansion in Disneyland. It was a bummer that we couldn't get in but they promise it's coming back, bigger and better. Hmm..