Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Jinx

I realize I'm inviting the jinx by mentioning this, but my angelic little child is stretching the bounds of credulity. I put her in her bassinet last night at 10:45 or so, after I got her settled down. She spent a lot of time (for her) awake yesterday, and she was a little wide-eyed and overly awake. She dropped right off to sleep after a little food and her bedtime story, once her white noise was turned on and she was swaddled.

It is now nearly 8:00 a.m. my time, and she's still sleeping away. She's just a tiny bit restless (for her, this means the occasional little noise and some sucking on her fingers) but she is still quite definitely asleep. She didn't wake up during the night either, which she did two nights ago, but only because I didn't have the heart to wake her to change her diaper before I put her in her bassinet.

I'm taking bets as to what the limiting factor will be. There are three choices, any of which could be the thing that wakes her:

1) Tummy (food)
2) Rear (diaper)
3) Eyes (finally gets her fill of sleep)

I think it will be a combo of 1 and 2, but probably more 2 than 1 at this point. Diaper technology is pretty good, but asking this much of a Pamper may soon be too much.

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