Monday, August 01, 2005

Laughing At Myself

After watching Six Feet Under last night (no spoilers here) I decided to see what some other people thought of the episode. I figured HBO would have a message board of some kind, so I went there.

As it turns out, there is a pretty lively message board there. Many of the people startled me with what they could you watch SFU for this long if you are still "sickened" watching David and Keith? I mean, why not toddle off and be closed minded watching something more mainstream? (But that's neither here nor there...)

Two of the posters, over several pages on the board, began to openly flirt with each other. Where I stopped reading out of boredom, they were beginning to sound quite serious. I caught myself rolling my eyes at them...

...and then I remembered where I met my husband. Those who live in glass houses, you know.


Brad said...

Hehe - that is a pic of a glass house ...

DrHeimlich said...

I was going to blog about last night's Six Feet Under myself, but I'd sort of developed the sense that among the regular readers of my blog, you were the only one still following the show at this point.

If I'm mistaken in this assumption, be aware there are SPOILERS following this. (God, some day I'm going to blog about what an idiotic word I think that is. Anyway...)

The way I see it, a death in the Fisher family before the end of the series was absolutely inevitable, given the nature of the show. It was just a matter of who it would be. The shock was that it was happening now, with a few episodes left of the show. (Although I'm glad they went that way, since it gives a few episodes to show the aftermath.) Also, I was a bit surprised for it to be Nate. Yes, I knew he had the history, but on some level I guess I thought maybe that made him "safe" and that instead Ruth or David or Claire would be the one to go.

But then, it is so very Six Feet Under for Nate to stumble around for the last five years, doing things he'd rather not be doing and generally feeling miserable, finally catch a glimpse of what to do to make himself happy (albeit with road still to travel to get there), and then get "the big white screen" as soon as he makes that revelation.

Speaking of "the big white screen," I freaking jumped off my couch at the beginning when the guy got mauled by Kim Bauer's nemesis. And then, a moment later, I laughed out loud, long and hard for at least five seconds. Brilliant.

thisismarcus said...

Is that Kew Gardens? It looks familiar.

Kathy said...


The cougar at the beginning was pretty startling, especially for 24 fans. Made me think of a mountain biker who died last year, mauled by a mountain lion while he was changing a flat. This is why I ride road.

I figured someone was gonna die this season on SFU. I, not to act like a smarty, figured that Alan Ball would like the symmetry of the show beginning with the death of Nathaniel Sr. and ending (nearly, anyway) with the death of Nathaniel, Jr.

I didn't find the timing tragic, though. I don't think he'd finally found that "peace" with the "right girl" with Maggie. I think she was just another escape clause. The boy couldn't commit. He was never gonna commit. If he'd survived and began something with Maggie, he'd hate her in a year for the very reasons he was drawn to her just before he died.

I don't hate Nate for this, nor am I happy or satisfied that he died. The really sad part is that in 40 years, he never found a place for himself where he could be satisfied and happy. This just means, to me, that if you have that in even one area of your life, you shouldn't take it for granted.

There, SFU in a nutshell. :)

Kathy said...

And, on the glass, I just picked one from Google Image Search that I thought was pretty.

Looked it up again though. It's in Finland. Here is what the caption underneath the picture said: "A tropical house in the middle of the University's (Helsinki) Botanical Gardens".

Been there?