Friday, August 05, 2005


I meant to cover this ground yesterday, but I was far too busy being mad.

About a month ago, I pulled back my shower curtain to turn the water on, and I saw a cricket just hanging out in my shower.

Now, there are some bugs I can kill, and some bugs I can't. Included in the "can't" column are any bugs who can jump up at my face as we battle each other. Crickets are firmly in the "can't" category.

So I woke up the husband, and sheepishly asked him to take care of the situation for me. He rather sleepily got up and rid us of the scourge, then went back to bed. We agreed later that it must have been an incredible fluke. How could a cricket come in from outside (no outside doors or windows on this room) through the pipes to the bathroom shower? I even considered the shudderingly horrible possibility that the cricket had been on me and jumped off into the shower when I leaned over to start the water.

We put cricketgate behind us, and moved on.

Yesterday morning, I pulled back the shower curtain to turn on the water, and there was another bloody cricket. I closed the curtain, shuffled off to the bedroom, woke up my husband and informed him of our second cricketty visitor in as many months. He cleared my way for a cricket-free shower with minimal grousing, which is all I can really ask.

Now, I am forced to are these things getting in where they are getting in? Are they really climbing through my pipes just so they can hang out for a few hours, tell me good morning, and then perish under my husband's shoe? Is this the same cricket logic that tells them to sit right next to the house where the master bedroom is and make as much noise as possible during the summer months?

Anyone have any ideas? I think this is what comes for buying a house out in the semi-sticks.

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