Monday, July 24, 2006

Scary Movies From Your Youth

This is a great Fark thread.

What movies scared you as a kid? Would you still be afraid of any of them? Have you conquered some of them? Even come to like some of them?

Lots of stuff scared me as a kid that I saw in movies or on TV, but nothing more than the commercials for Magic. I would give you a link to IMDB for this movie, but then I'd have to look it up and I'd probably see a poster for it on that page, and I'd be up all night. It came out when I was about six or seven and it dominates my memory of that time period. I know movies stayed in theaters longer back then, but it seems as though those ads were on television for months.

The ads for that frackin' movie featured a ventriloquist dummy slowly being revealed out of the darkness. It may or may not have been sitting on a stool. I think there was a slow pan in on the dummy and it said scary, menacing things. I'm not sure I ever saw the ad all the way through. I do remember my mom telling me that this was before we had a remote for the television (man, am I old) and whenever it came on, someone would have to leap up and change the station before I completely freaked out. I apparently just clapped my hands over my ears and squeezed my eyes shut, screaming bloody murder until someone came to my rescue.

Damn, that was scary stuff. I will never be able to see that movie.

I'm thinking really hard and I'm not sure I can think of a movie that scared me as a child that I like or even can tolerate now. The original Poltergeist was another movie that scared me quite a bit, but I don't think I'm quite over that. I had to have my mother remove a doll from my room after seeing that movie, and now I can't even remember what in the movie had anything to do with a doll and I'm not willing to watch it and find out. (Update: I hadn't read the whole Fark thread yet when I posted this originally, but now that I'm further through it, it's clear there was something in Poltergeist about a clown doll. I choose not to think any further on the subject at this time.) I'm rather embarassed to tell you that I can't even watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because of an irrational fear of Oompa Loompas, not even now that I'm a real live adult with a baby of my own.

Again, perhaps this post would have been adorned with a picture of a doll, an Oompa Loompa or two, or (shudder) a ventriloquist dummy, but doing the Google image search for any of that would leave me whimpering in a corner.


Shocho said...

I was terrified watching the movie Rodan on television in the same room as my Mom and Dad. The movie Psycho left me scared for days and days, as I feared to go into the walk-in closet in my bedroom because I knew there was a chair in there that would swing around to show me Norman's Dead Mother.

Major Rakal said...

The only movie I can remember scaring me as a kid was The Wizard of Oz. Those flying monkeys scared the bejeezus out of me.

DrHeimlich said...

Jaws scared the crap out of me so bad when I was little that I clenched up just at hearing the music. When I saw Airplane on TV for the first time, and they show the tail sticking up like a fin in the clouds at the beginning, I jumped a mile.