Friday, July 14, 2006

The internet is not a truck. It is a series of tubes.

I laughed out loud for about a half minute when I saw this display in the cyber wing of the St. Louis Science Center. It's stuff like this that makes you glad you have to carry the camera wherever the baby goes so you can capture her doing all her cute little things. I get that stuff, but also the internet, as invisaged as a couple of tubes.

If you don't know what I'm talking about because you don't follow the net neutrality debate, don't read Boing Boing, and don't watch The Daily Show, then you really have a lot of entertaining reading ahead of you, if you want to find out what some ancient senator thinks about "downloading the internet".

You can try here for the tech version or see the techno version. You can read about it on Boing Boing or watch Jon Stewart skewer him.

So, I already thought this was funny, then I see this "Bandwidth" machine at the science center. Ah, old white Senators. How you'd make me laugh if only you didn't have an overwhelming amount of control over my life. (sigh)

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