Thursday, September 22, 2005


I read somewhere once that no one wants to see the ultrasound pictures of your baby but you, your parents, your spouse, and their parents.

Well, T.S. Here it is anyway.

I know it may be hard to make out, but the bright white circle near the top right corner is the baby's forehead. Under that are two eyes, the nose, and then what the technician described as a "smirk". This was probably because the baby was kicking back at the ultrasound wand the entire time.

No one tells you that ultrasounds sort of hurt. They have to press kind of hard on your tummy to get a good image. It was worth it though, to see the heart beat, see the face, and then spend a couple of moments in suspense while we looked for proof of the baby's gender.

I decline to post the image that proves the baby's gender, although I will describe something humorous about it. There is a place for the tech to type in descriptive info (this was largely used for things like "arm", "leg", "kidney", "heart", etc. while the tech was taking measurements and such) but the proof of gender picture says GIRL on it, and just in case we weren't sure, she added a helpful little arrow toward the definitive area. I didn't notice the arrow until we were walking toward the restrooms on our way out, when I started to giggle at the silliness of it.

Anyway, everything looks healthy and growing as it should. And now I can make the final paint and decorating choices. I know you were all quite anxious about the drapes I was going to pick out. You can all rest easy now. They'll be pink to go with the light green on the walls.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Criminy! I already had to delete a comment from this post. It's pretty low to spam comment a post about an ultrasound.

So much for the captcha fixing everything.