Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Definition of "Not Getting It"

Sometimes I forget exactly how disconnected the truly rich and powerful must be from the rest of regular society. It's quite natural, I suppose, if you find yourself in an advantageous position, to take the simplest path. That path leads to acclimating yourself only to your own circumstances and assuming that everyone not in that golden light with you is somehow struggling along okay no matter what happens to them.

After all, if they're poor, they must be used to being miserable, right? So it doesn't really much matter how you might feel if you were in their position, because they are somehow innately equipped to deal with adversity because of all the practice they have with it.

Where is all this leading? Listen to this shit. For those of you who can't hear the clip or just don't feel like clicking on it, that is Barbara Bush saying: (highlight to see the text below, I'd rather have you hear it in her voice if you can rather than just read it...it's anticlimactic this way)

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this—this is working very well for them."

1 comment:

DrHeimlich said...

I don't even know what to say...

I bet they use this on The Daily Show tonight.