Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Unless You're One of Those Crazies...

...who think we never went to the moon, you might enjoy this.

Make sure you zoom all the way in though. Get a really good look. It's pretty cool.


Major Rakal said...

Wow, that closeup view is just amazing. I never realized it would look like that.

Aussie-Askew said...

So pock-marked, yet somehow strangely comforting.

Shocho said...

So they made some faked up "moon rocks" to go with the Hollywood set, that right? And "common sense" is their other argument? Puhleeze.

Kathy said...

Yeah, they're toons, aren't they? It's all faked because it makes them feel special and smart to be one of the 'chosen' ones who can see "the hoax".

Kathy said...

Nah, I was indeed alluding to the cheese joke in my post. For those of you who didn't find it, if you go to the maximum zoom level, you'll find the moon is indeed made from cheese.

According to Google, anyway.

All of the other images and information there are correct, though.