Thursday, July 28, 2005

A Random Assortment

Think of this as one of those boxes of chocolate candies where you don't know what's inside them until you pop it in your mouth.

First, if you are interested in the structure of the web and are anything of a digithead, you may find fascinating this article about the birth of Google.

Second, I have now found a few people who don't think that I look exactly the same after three months of pregnancy as I did before. This has saved you all from a long post about how fat you all thought I looked before I was pregnant. I can hear the collective sighs of relief out there.

Third, I need to know how Dr. H moved his big-ass TV. If you have a moment, please leave a comment. We may be moving it soon and I had a terrible dream last night that it was shattered on the other end.

Fourth, and finally, the mister and I watched Closer last night. I had to wonder how much my experience of that movie was changed because I recognized the music from Mozart's Cosi fan tutte (sorry, can't be bothered to find the accented i for Cosi) and know the plot of the opera. I honestly don't think the movie makes as much sense if you don't have that information. I can't decide if that movie is horribly sexist or not.

A late entry: Fifth, and finally, the most satisfying moment of my day consisted of saying the word ipconfig. It was an odd moment, but it fundamentally changed the way another person was interacting with me for the better. Always good to be able to convince someone they can just ask you to do something rather than having to explain it to death. It made the rest of the conversation soooo much easier. Easier is good.


Shocho said...

Way to sell the links post. Much better than my endless string of apolgies. Of course, it's not really a links post, it's like an "anthology" post. Five posts in one, the candy companies would say. Six, if you count the fact that I like boxes of candies with an index so I know which is which. Avoid the coconut.

What does ipconfig mean? Did you just make it up to appear smarter? Cause that worked with me.

Kathy said...

Windows goofiness. I was on the phone with someone who was about to explain the five little mini steps you have to go through to see your IP address.

I had anticipated this, and brought up a command window and typed ipconfig while he was still telling me to go to the start menu. I read him my IP address, and when he seemed doubtful it was the correct information, I just said, "ipconfig" and it gave me instant cred.

The rest of the conversation was much simpler. For both of us, I think.

DrHeimlich said...

How does one move a big screen TV? Well, your husband has some pretty prime skills when it comes to packing a moving truck, so I wouldn't worry too much. But here's how I moved mine:

Make sure you get those "furniture pads" and wrap the thing *completely*, front and back. (Most importantly, the screen, obviously.)

Load the TV into the *middle* of the moving van. Do not put the screen against a wall. Every time you hit a bump, it could be thrown against the wall. That = bad.

Try not to pile things too high on the side of the van facing the screen. I put my couch on that side in my moving van, with *maybe* one flat layer of boxes across the top of it, but that's it. You don't want to have a tower of stuff that might fall over and go smashing into your spectacular screen.

But again, as I said, you've married a skilled packer. I sort of planned where most of the "big stuff" in my van went, but he supervised the loading of just about everything else. And the only damage to ANY of my stuff on the whole trip was a footpad coming off one of my DVD racks when my Dad dropped it while unloading it. :-)

Jason said...

I had to wonder how much my experience of that movie was changed because I recognized the music from Mozart's Cosi fan tutte (sorry, can't be bothered to find the accented i for Cosi) and know the plot of the opera.

That's kinda like how I Still Know What You Did Last Summer was ruined for me because I knew the capital of Brazil. Well, that and the fact that it was lousy. Even Jennifer Love Hewitt in a bikini couldn't save that movie for me.