Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Crappy Links Post

I did things today, but they were fairly mundane. Grocery store. Drugstore. Bank. (With the B, though, in my front carrier.) Everyone said how cute she was. Nice day, but unremarkable in many ways. So, I bring to you, the best of the internets as chosen by me off the top of my head.

If you have Windows, take a gander at this shitty DRM that might install itself along with your games and slowly break your CD drive. Then read about how those jackals attacked Cory D. at Boing Boing for posting an article about their shitty DRM. Apparently they think it's against the law to post information about their unwanted "product". All the games that utilize it are now on my "don't buy" list.

You are apparently not allowed to tell anyone that you're gay in WoW, because that might cause them to call you names and break the sexual harassment policy, which would apparently be your fault and not theirs. I hear tell that the GLBT (gay/lesbian/bi/trans) friendly guilds were formed because those players were finding themselves harassed in "regular" guilds. Then in the very act of making people aware that safe havens existed for them, they were warned for violating the sexual harassment policy, because mentioning that some GLBT people might play the game somewhere apparently harassed the straight players. Give me a break. This makes me proud that my account is parked. Policies like this will keep it that way, even if I ever do find time to play again, I'll play something else.

For those of you still playing WoW, though, I bring you one guy's great amount of work making a Google map app of the maps of WoW.

For you Mac folks, a good article from digg about must-have OS X apps.

Did Google Maps find evidence of flying cars?

Kevin Smith to MPAA: Suck it!

IMDB added what are basically really nice episode guides to every tv series page in the database. Here is a link to the main M*A*S*H page. Click the season numbers on that page to check it out. To the trivia people: this might be good for trivia weekend, no?

All right, that should be enough linky fun. Hopefully there's something there for everyone, and hopefully this is not all old news to CK. Most of it probably, but hopefully there was at least one new one in there.


Shocho said...

Ha! I am the King of the Link Whores, I admit it. The Mac stuff link is way cool, can't wait to explore that.

Clerks 2: Unrated? Holy shit! That man has balls. Good for Kevin.

So you read Boing Boing too. I once went on vacation and told my readers to read Boing Boing, it was like my blog with more pictures. :P

erika said...

When I was in college it was not only GLBT, but rather GLBTQ. When the Q first appeared my roommates and I wondered what it meant. Quasi-sexual? we thought.

Nope. Questioning.

When I googled GLBTQ today, results are mixed between Queer and Questioning.

Either way, it's not Quasi.