Thursday, January 26, 2006

Surprisingly Clearheaded

You don't really know how foggyheaded you are until you are clearheaded again. I slept nearly four hours IN A ROW last night before I had to get up to feed and change the B, then got about three hours in a row after she went back to sleep.

It almost doesn't matter how much sleep you get if you only get about an hour or an hour and a half in one go, day after day after day.

Ah, and I also finally jumped through all the bloody hoops you have to jump through in these parts to get my car registered and get real plates and all that mess. So take that, bitches! I'm legal! (maniacal laughter)

So, all in all, not a bad day. And the mister's 34th birthday, to boot! Everyone say happy birthday to him! Whee!


Jason said...

Happy birthday to him!

Your birthday, of course, is sadly easy to remember....

Shocho said...

Hey! Happy Birthday Tom. Glad you're getting some kind of normalness, K, I hear that's good.