Monday, January 30, 2006

The Wrong Way

I have gained three pounds since having the baby.

I don't know if you know, but you're supposed to lose weight after you have the baby. This won't do. I finally had to relent and buy two pairs of pants I can wear now, though I said I wanted to make things as inconvenient as possible as an incentive to get the weight off again.

Oh, I have a stack of excuses. I put on weight during the pregnancy because of the riduculous amount of stress we were under at the time. I was lucky to keep down any food at all, never mind if it was high in calories. Things, of course, are still sort of stressful now, and it's easy to justify a treat here and there (and everywhere, it seems) to compensate myself for lack of sleep or time. It's faster to order pizza or stick a frozen one in the oven than it is to make a healthy dinner.

Those are excuses. But one's body doesn't take excuses. The body does math, and that's it. Number of calories in, number of calories out, then add or subtract from body weight. There is no negotiation with the body's math, so it doesn't matter how justified you are, or how much you felt like you didn't have any choice.

It starts today. I'll jog if I have to. B's too little for a jogging stroller, but I can still DDR. And DDR I will. I had the frustrating experience of being able to read the steps in an eight-footer last night, but I couldn't make my body do them. Suck. This will not be tolerated.


Mkae said...

Heh. Two days ago I ordered my DDR "bundle" from Best Buy using my Christmas gift certificate. I haven't told the wife yet but I'm sure she'll think I'm nuts. Tom's so lucky to have a cool wife. :)

And don't sweat the two pounds. That's far less important than the baby.

Kathy said...

Squee! Another DDRer! Which game did you get? I betcha you'll talk your wife into trying it. The lure of DDR is intense.