Saturday, May 28, 2005

Open suggestion to Hollywood

Originally uploaded by lostonpurpose.
It's available. Didn't even have to go to the 1's or the Z's or any of that utter nonsense. Do not dally.

I only wish you could put an exclamation point on your license plate.



Tom said...

Mountains?!? What about with a pretty cardinal? Or some poseys? Or the BUTTERFLY!

Jason said...

Doesn't beat the LURTZ with the hand plate, though.

TheGirard said...

hey Kathy

Marnie is running a hunter and she can't figure out what the training points are for on the pet screen. Are they the same as talent points?

Kathy said...

They are, sadly, at the moment, largely irrelevant. You will need to use them about every ten levels or so to teach your pet a new level of Growl. Also, if you tame a second pet that can teach you a skill, you will need those points to teach the skill to your original pet.

The most useful one to get, depending on whether your main pet can learn it or not, is Cower. You can learn Cower 1 or Cower 2 from the striders near Auberdine.