Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Harry Potter is my Star Wars

At my new job, we have dealings with Scholastic, the company that publishes the HP novels. We don't carry them (much to my chagrin, as I probably could have gotten my copy EARLY that way) but they did send us a display to try to entice us to carry it. I made an off-handed comment about how they'd have to guard it from me, and they gave it to me. Whee!

Wasn't I too old when the HP books came out for it to become my new Star Wars? And yet, that's what it's become. I know how many days until the book comes out (actually, it's either 51 or 52, not sure which, but isn't that close enough?) and I found some production stills from the GoF movie on the net a couple of days ago and thought about making one of them my desktop image. I currently have a very cool Escher-homage image from a Fark photoshop contest as my desktop image, which is quite nice, and I'm not sick of looking at it.

How old does the baby have to be before I can buy Harry Potter Legos and such and pass them off as the kid's toys? Probably, say, two. Right? Ah, that's too long. Suck.

I mean, look at this. Lego Sirius Black. Who doesn't want that?

1 comment:

Shocho said...

Oh man, we used to buy Star Wars toys all the time, and everybody assumed we had a kid... but we didn't. He inherited the big fat Falcon with the blender noise and a few dozen action figures.

If you're asking a serious question, I think babies start with Duplos so they can't swallow 'em or something. But you're not, so go buy some damned Legos! :)

And hey, congrats on finding a replacement for that Lucasfilm crap. Potter doesn't really compare, since those stories have characters and plots and dialogue. Besides, he could have been my favorite character on MASH.