Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day Wrap-Up

So, I just completed my first mother's day as a mother to an actual child living outside my womb. I got a card from the mister last year because we already knew I was pregnant on mother's day, but I have to say it's a bit different now that I've actually gotten a little mothering experience under my belt.

I liked my day. It was pretty sweet. I got to talk to CK and LWC, which is a further loveliness, and I got a hand-drawn card from my youngest niece. I got cards from the mister and one from the B, who scribbled in what I'm sure is her desperate attempt to tell me that she appreciates me cleaning up after that little poo incident she and her onesie had a few days ago.

I also got to drive our new minivan for the first time, going out to Circuit City to pick up a new DVD player (ours was skipping like mad) and to the grocery store. I am embarassed to say that I could not have left the driveway without the mister's help in moving the steering wheel. I was very confused because most of the controls are exactly like my Civic hybrid because they are both Hondas, so I just couldn't wrap my brain around the fact that the steering wheel lever appeared to be MIA. It's there, it's just not the way I thought it would be.

I also owe a random lady a huge favor for her help in the parking lot of the grocery store. Now that I have a baby to get settled in a car seat, I always seem to park right next to someone who comes out of the store at exactly one minute after I leave, so I'm faffing about with the baby when they want to get in their car and go. I always apologize and offer to put the car seat shenanigans on pause, and every single person so far has insisted that I get the baby settled, with several of them saying, "That baby's more important than anything," which is very nice. In this particular case at the grocery store today, I got the baby settled and then put the whole affair in a holding pattern so the nice lady to my right could pull out. I tucked my diaper bag right behind the back passenger side wheel so it wouldn't get run over, and then proceeded to put the stroller away in our kick-ass back storage section, followed by the groceries, and then got in the car. You'll notice I didn't say anything about the diaper bag. The nice lady stopped behind me and got out of her car, then ran up and got my diaper bag and ran it up to the driver's side. I plead mommy brain. I hope somebody does that lady a really nice favor soon, because I'll never see her again to pay her back.

So, happy mother's day to everyone out there who fits the bill. All you dads, I'll see you in June when you get your day, and we can spread the love to both halves of genetic material.

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