Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Boycott GM

So, did you just buy a uselessly large, rollover-prone, kill-the-other-guy in an accident, gas-guzzling SUV from GM, but you're bummed that you have to pay a lot to fill the tank just to drive the twelve miles to the shooting range or chewing tobacco store?

No problem. GM will sell you discounted gas, but only for those SUVs, Hummers, and a couple of luxury sedans. If you do the responsible thing and buy a car with the highest fuel efficiency possible for the size of the vehicle that you require, you have to pay the regular gas prices.

Jackasses. Because what we need are more Hummers on the road.

1 comment:

Shocho said...

They'll lose money on the OnStar. GM is not a charity. But I hate them for not giving my Malibu cheap gas. She's thirsty too.