Friday, May 12, 2006

The End of an Odyssey

If you've been reading my mister's blog then you know we've been considering the purchase of a minivan, which would make our transition to midwestern parents complete.

We pick up the above automobile (picture of our actual car, not of some minivan like it on the web somewhere) tomorrow at 4:00 after faffing around for a bit wondering which model we should decide on. It looks black in that picture but it is actually really really dark metallicy blue. (Deep Midnight Blue I believe is the name of the paint.)

In the end, we are paying just a tiny bit more in order to get the higher resale value and better reliability of the Honda Odyssey. That's not just the schtick their salespeople tell you, it's borne out in Car and Driver and Consumer Reports surveys. It's a really neat car and will be really good for the long car trips we tend to take.

Anyway, we're very excited. And if you all are very, very good, I'll tell you tomorrow about stripping wallpaper and painting our bathroom over the past month.

(Don't we lead fascinating lives here?)


TheGirard said...


Make sure to get one of those baby on board signs so I know not to hit you while driving.

Anonymous said...

Good choice. My mother has driven an Isuzu Oasis (essentially the same) for quite a few years without a single complaint. Well, maybe one complaint; at the time she had a hard time finding one. They are extremely popular.

BTW, the link to your mister's blog is broken in the post, but the right link is on the sidebar of course.

erika said...

the best feature of my mom's odyssey is, of course, the automatic door openers on her remote. SO NICE. and i don't even have a baby to carry.