Monday, October 31, 2005

Not So Subtle

So, many of you may know the woes I had in the earlier (and not so earlier) days of the pregnancy, when no one seemed to be able to tell I was pregnant at all. I must admit, my face still hasn't filled out one bit. People who can only see me from the shoulders and up or so still don't seem to realize I'm pregnant (restaurant servers pushing margaritas on me, the lady at the DMV who was surprised when I stepped back to have my picture taken for my new license, etc.)

However, as you can see from this lovely, headless self-portrait, it's not really all that subtle when you can actually see my stomach now. In fact, my arms are quite nearly not long enough to reach the keyboard on my laptop as I lie about trying to use it. It's gotten further and further away for months now and at this point, it's closer to my knees than it is to my waist by a wide margin.

I still feel outclassed by some of the women at our Lamaze class though, many of whom are weeks behind me as we are just a tad late (only by a few weeks) in starting our classes. Now some of those girls look PREGNANT. As in, I betcha their servers at T.G.I.Fridays don't offer them the Grande Margarita Especial.

Just a tad under two months to go, unless little miss kick and stretch has other plans. Sometimes I think she plans to just come through my abdomen Alien-style. She seems to be trying it even right this second. Hopefully my singer's abs present enough of a barrier to save me that.

1 comment:

Shocho said...

That woman is definitely preggers. I'm just not sure it's you. :)

They don't show Alien in your Lamaze class do they? That's grounds for a refund in my book.