Wednesday, October 05, 2005

When TV Is Not Your Friend

The cable company should really have to block the show A Baby Story from your service when you're pregnant. I just watched an episode where it looked like the couple had invited everyone they'd ever met into the delivery room. I lost track of counting when I got to the eighth person in the room that appeared to be serving no medical purpose whatsoever.

Am I just selfish, or is it weird to anyone else that your mother-in-law, sisters, brothers, cousins, your child, random strangers off the street, would be in the delivery room? Seriously, if I could figure out some way to safely and somewhat comfortably do the whole thing by myself, I'd probably do it.

Now I am going to try to go back to sleep. Some idiot telemarketer (it takes six weeks for your number to register on the National Do Not Call Registry) woke me up at 8:00 a.m. after I was up from 3:3o a.m. until 6:00 a.m., only to wake up briefly at 6:30 a.m. and finally drop back off around 7:00 a.m. It might be worse to get sleep in little bits like that than it would have been to just get the heck up. I suppose it's just preparing me to get up with the baby.

Gosh, being tired is just making me ramble. I'm out.


Trundling Grunt said...

Does that mean we're not all invited? Awwww....

Jason said...

When I first moved here, I got calls from telemarketers about once every day, between 6 and 8 pm. I've got it down now to only getting them about 2-3 times a week now.

The worst are the ones who ask for "Mr. Smith," and when I tell them there is no Mr. Smith, they act like it was some big mistake and try to pitch their crap on me. If you're going to telemarket to me, at least pretend like you were trying to call me in the first place.

thisismarcus said...

Yeah, that is weird. I think they all just wanted to get on T.V.
