Saturday, October 08, 2005

I Wish I Had Something To Say...

...but I've spent the day mostly in bed because my back really seems to have decided to go on a rather unpleasant strike. I kept trying to talk myself into going to take a bath to make it better and I couldn't even really grasp that idea.

I hear there was weather and wind and stuff outside today. I wouldn't know. Ah, I take that back. I went out on the deck in the backyard for a few minutes while I ate my Cheerios. I nearly ended up with a dead leaf in my bowl from the neighbor's tree. It hit me in the forehead instead. All things being equal, that was much better than ruining the last bowl of Cheerios in the house.

I did do a spot of spackling to prepare for the nursery being painted tomorrow. Not by me, as there is at least one source I found on the internet that says that it's safer not to paint while pregnant even if it's water-based.

I will post pictures once it's painted and the crib is put together, though. You're all quite lucky not to have been subjected to pictures of some of the cute baby clothes I've binged on buying since we found out the sex. Darling little pink things with hoods and feet built in. Oh! And thank you SP, for the pink outfit you sent here with Hollywood. I really suck, I meant to send a thank you card back with him but I totally spaced it. It's really nice and is in exactly the right size for the level of warmness she'll need when she's big enough to wear it.

I have spent altogether too much time today reading about all the choices I have ahead of me for the actual birth. As most of you reading this are men, I'll spare you the details. Is it bad though, that I'm much more concerned with the loss of dignity and autonomy than the pain? I will probably feel differently in the moment of pain, but I'm still dumbstruck at the notion of losing that much control over my life for so many hours. I am way too much of a control freak. I will probably get us kicked out of the hospital somehow and end up having the baby in the parking lot or something.

By the way, no offense, if you're a man, please do not respond to that last bit with anything that could be interpreted as advice or "my wife blah blah blah". In fact, it would probably be better to err on the side of, oh, anything else, than risking making an advice-like comment on the above. Forgive me, but I'm a little bitter about the woman's burden at the moment and anyone of the male persuasion who tweaks me at this particular juncture will probably find their comments removed and their general personage ignored until I regain my sense of humor (ETA: unknown). You know, fair warning.

I also found out that I can get Listeria and potentially lose the baby from eating COLD CUTS. Why is there no master list of crap you shouldn't do? I've read and read and read everything I could find, and today, 27 or 28 weeks in, I read about a possibility of stillbirth because of eating a little pre-packaged ham. I've probably had a cold cut sandwich at least every other day for the past two weeks for lunch. What the *(#$)*$.

Apparently, it seems I have quite a lot to say. If I wasn't so 'eh', I'd probably change the title of the entry. Feh. That would require pressing shift-tab and typing some stuff.


Mkae said...

Whatever you do, don't read the "What To Expect When You're Expecting" book. That thing is roughly the Necronomicon of childbirth. All it tells you is how many different ways you'll kill or make your baby retarded. My wife forced me to read one chapter and I couldn't sleep that night.

Tom said...

Of course, it is basically considered the bible of childbirth. My mom gave us our second copy :)


Shocho said...

The baby is going to be fine, and you're all going to be fine too. That happens all the time, but nobody writes on the internet or in books about that.

--fearing for his entire gender

Trundling Grunt said...

Oddly enough whole generations of healthy children have been brought into this world without the benefit of all "What to Expect.." and will continue to do so.

So, have a drink and relax as much as it's possible to do so given your intense physical discomfort. Have you got to the point where you fill the bed with pillows and Tom has to cling onto the edge for dear life? My fingers ached for weeks.

A girl, eh? Congrats. Have you names planned?

Kathy said...

Have you got to the point where you fill the bed with pillows and Tom has to cling onto the edge for dear life?

My, the discomfort that men experience during pregnancy must be terrible.