Thursday, May 12, 2005

To the Company Who Knows Who It Is

I hope you go up in the hideous ball of flaming disaster that you so richly deserve.


Major Rakal said...

You and Tom have my sympathy. I've been there, and I know how you must be feeling. When I began to see rumblings online about what was happening at that company today, I got this awful feeling of deja vu. It sucks.

I'm wishing the best for you and all our friends in this overcrowded boat.

DrHeimlich said...

I've already said this to some of the others laid off, but I really appreciate how much you and Tom were there for me when I went through this situation a few months ago. I wish that I were closer and could return that kindness more now that the roles have reversed.

I'm also pulling for a speedy recovery for you and Tom.

Kathy said...

I should add that I mean that in the nicest possible way.

Anonymous said...


You have my sympathies and I hope you and Tom get back on your feet in MO in no time. I look forward to helping in anyway I can.

TheGirard said...

You and Tom have my sympathies as well. It will be difficult and weird without all my friends. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Shocho said...

You guys are gonna be okay, I'm sure. The wheels were already turning before Thursday, and now Tom can push 'em around a little harder.

GiromiDe said...

I can pass some resumes around the Chicago area. I've already offered this to Marcus.