Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Veronica and Logan, Sittin' in a Tree

...k i s s i n g

Am I the only one who cares? I'm visiting message boards, waiting for people to say something, and NOTHING.

Maybe I'm the only one who's been suckered in.

Here's what's weird. I didn't even like Logan at first. I mean, obviously I didn't think he was a great guy; he wasn't supposed to be. But I didn't like the way he was playing it (I didn't think at the time, anyway). I thought he was way too smirky, and I wasn't buying it. Was he supposed to be a badass, or not?

Then they killed off his mom and made him human, and made me watch that scene outside the motel room last week approximately one jillion times. All right, you caught me. One jillion and one.

And tonight! That moment when they started laughing, that "what the holy fuck am I doing" moment...that felt really real to me.

So, so good.

Which means, of course, they will break up horribly and break my heart. But until then...


Shocho said...

I so did not like Logan and I thought he was a lousy actor. Now that more of his character has been revealed, it's really good stuff and the story development for him has been great. And I think he's a better actor, now that they've given him more stuff to do. Although he is very much a "hand actor" and I can't help but think of Jason Lee when I watch him now.

I only have 4 appointment TV appointments: 24, Lost, Desperate Housewives, and VM. I've been not giving VM my complete attention lately (that means I was watching it while playing World of Warcraft, unlike the other three shows) but now I do because it's so very good.

DrHeimlich said...

Oh I'm definitely still watching Veronica Mars. I guess maybe I declined to blog about it just because I was starting to feel like every post on the blog was about a TV show. But you know what, from here on I resolve that if that's what's really on my mind, so be it.

I have this half-theory developing that the reason they're laying all this track to make Logan more likeable and interesting (and agree, he has been) is that he's going to turn out to be behind Lily Kane's death. Maybe.

We'll know in a few weeks.

Shocho said...

Man, that sounds like me apologizing for taking a week off of work and all I did was watch movies. Then I found out that I really liked to watch movies! I can't see any reason to decline to blog about anything. Except maybe being constipated.