Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Since When is 3>7?

So, on my priority list for season passes on my TiVo, the top three are:

1) Veronica Mars
2) Lost (ironic, ain't it?)
3) 24

At seven, we have The Apprentice.

The TiVo is supposed to record higher shows on the pri list first. When 24 and The Apprentice were on against each other last night, ask me what my TiVo recorded...The Apprentice!?! WTFBBQ?

This is the first time I haven't come upstairs when I knew there was a conflict to double-check what the TiVo was grabbing so I could watch whatever the other show was, and I got screwed! Every single week I come upstairs to make sure I'm getting VM so I know to watch Lost real-time, and every week it does it right.

What the eff is up with my TiVo? I checked in the To Do list where it tells you why things didn't get recorded, and its excuse for skipping 24 is that something of a HIGHER PRIORITY was on at the same time. Last I checked, Lost and VM weren't on at the same time last night. Screwed!

So I took The Apprentice off the list (which is where it should have been in the first place, not on the list) and it added next week's 24 to the To Do list. What gives, TiVo? Is this some Trump conspiracy?


DrHeimlich said...
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DrHeimlich said...

TiVo has had a few bugs in their latest patch. I got screwed by one a few weeks ago -- it was clipping off the last 3-5 minutes of shows being recorded via season pass. Let me tell you how much that pissed me off, vis a vis Lost.

They claim to have people working on a patch to fix it (I don't know if your problem is related), but that it's going to take them a bit. They also claim that apparently, in the meantime, you can temporarily solve the problem by restarting your TiVo. (Either unplug it and plug it back in, or select "Restart System" from the menu.) They say these problems are occurring on TiVos that have been operating continuously for many weeks (months) without restart.

FWIW, I restarted mine, and have been doing okay since then.

Shocho said...

When I want to watch a show, I watch it when it's on. No problems. Good luck, guys.

Anonymous said...

If I miss it, I go find it on eMule...:)

Tom said...

Shocho fears change.

TheGirard said...
