Friday, February 24, 2006

A Sad Man Talking to His Fat Cat

I've had this one up my sleeve for awhile, and I just went back and looked at it again to make sure it was really as amusing as I thought it was.

You see, there used to be a little widget web 2.0-type application that put together three random squares of Garfield and presented them to you. It apparently disclosed the fact that three random Garfield panels were just as likely to make sense as three panels presented in the correct grouping, so the company that owns the big fat orange cat seems to have sent a C&D to the poor schlub who coded the thing. Otherwise, I would have given you a link to that here. Now, that sounds like it could be entertaining for at least three seconds. You might think that is the funniest possible Garfield hack out there on the 'net.

Well, you'd be wrong.

A thread on some random message board about Garfield takes the prize for that. It's a thread about redoing Garfield comics, without Garfield's thought bubbles. If you follow the link, it's worth at least going to the second page of the thread, where many more comics with Garfield's thoughts extracted appear for your viewing enjoyment. I urge you to take a look in your next free moment. It's scary how good the strips are without putting words in the cat's mouth, all apologies to the artist.

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