Thursday, February 02, 2006

'B' Stands for Bomb

Usually the "B" stands for Brigid. Today, it stood for "bomb", "boom", "blammo".

I decided to go to a discount department store today because I got an email from them that they were having a baby stuff sale. (Their words, not mine.) (Sucky sale, by the way. Prices are better at the baby stores at our outletty-type mall that we have nearby, and the stuff is nicer with a better selection.)

The B slept in her car seat on the way there. I went to take her out of it to put her in the stroller (because mom might have wanted to try on a couple of sweaters, so no front carrier) and she got a little cranky, but seemed fine as we entered the store. I looked at a few things, she's fine. I walked further in where all the sale stuff was ...


I thought perhaps she was hungry, so we went outside (not a bad day, not too cold) and she had a smallish bottle. Finished that, but she was still too cranky to risk going back in, and especially too cranky to risk going into the Barnes and Noble.

So, we went home. At least I got out of the house a little bit. Helps the day pass.

The good thing is that I decided to try out the swing chair that we got back in August at the baby shower to see if it would calm her down. She fit into it very well, didn't seem to have trouble holding her head up as it swung (swang?) and it calmed her really well, as you can see from the drool in the picture.

Tomorrow I plan to take her with me to the government office where I have to register her as an occupant of the house (believe me, I couldn't make this stupid shit up, I really do have to do that) and I hope she screams her little B heart out at the people making me do dumb things like that. With my luck she'll be her usual little angel self.


Major Rakal said...

You have to register your own baby as an occupant of the house? Is that a city thing or a state thing? Either way, it's about the strangest piece of bureaucracy I've ever heard of.

Kathy said...

It's a city thing. I also had to register the mister and myself when we moved in, and pay them $25. It sucked more because I had to go over there in person to take care of it than for the money.

I only found out about it because I got a nasty, "You are living in your house illegally," letter in the mail about a month after we bought the house, because we didn't know about the $25 shakedown.

At least I don't have to pay again.