Monday, February 20, 2006

Bust It Up

I have an unfortunate talent. I break things.

I mean, I don't do it on purpose. I don't look at things and think, "Gee, I think life would be better if that was busted." They just seem to spontaneously stop working if they come within a certain radius of me.

The latest victim is flickr. Now, that's a big website to break, I know, but I managed it. I've been meaning to go through pictures of the baby and tag them according to what week of her life she was in, and find the couple that aren't in the set and add them. I got about 40% done (five pages, and I'd finished almost two of them) and I got a message that the flickr API wasn't available when I tried to add tags to the latest image I was working with.

Maybe I've been gone long enough that it's fixed itself. I think I'll nance off and check.

Update: The sound on my laptop broke two days ago, and I got it fixed this afternoon. Just another in a long line of things I touch, which then summarily break before my very eyes. I promise to be very careful with the baby. (!?!)

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