Friday, November 11, 2005

Diamonds Under Pressure

Okay, I just saw a diamond commercial (can't remember if it's for a jeweler or just for DeBeers...I wasn't really paying attention). The only reason it caught me and made me look up was because it featured a Queen song. Under Pressure, to be precise.

Those of you who know the song, isn't there a tinge of irony here?

I'd link to a site where you can read the lyrics, but I once got a load of spyware on my computer from visiting a website to find Queen lyrics. It seems like bad mojo to do it again. However, a big part of the jist of the song is that it's about people who are hungry and living on the streets, people in dire situations struggling to survive.

And I just watched a well-heeled young man saunter into a nice-looking house and open a black velvet box with two huge diamond earrings in it, all to the tune of Under Pressure.

Surely there is a more appropriate song to pick for this. I don't have anything against diamonds per se (though I personally think they're a waste of money, and my own wedding ring isn't a diamond, so take me with a grain of salt) but why would you go out of your way to pick a song with such a contrary message?


Anonymous said...

Maybe the producers confused the song with "Ice Ice Baby", another indirect reference to diamonds...:)

Shocho said...

What do Cadillacs have to do with Rock 'n' Roll? Iggy Pop's "Lust for Life" is about drugs and getting in "in the ear," not a Royal Caribbean cruise. These guys don't have a clue.

I figured the Under Pressure diamond commercial had something to do with how diamonds are formed by pressure, or Superman.

Trundling Grunt said...

I would agree with Chuck - but then I doubt if DeBeers are that subtle.