Saturday, November 19, 2005

Our Date With Harry (no spoilers)

Our last big night out on the town before the baby comes has now passed. I know, I know. There's still forty-odd days (and I do mean the odd part) before that's likely to happen, but I'm already uncomfortable enough that I don't really enjoy trips away from the house anymore. I very soon will no longer be a very fun date, even though it's clear to all that I put out. (ha)

The movie itself (no spoilers, this is about the theater experience) was actually a much more laid back affair than it could have been. There was the typical big long line waiting to be let into the theater, but we got in it at just about the right time. We still got the seats in the general area we wanted and didn't have to wait in the line for more than 20 minutes. I commandeered a chair and none of the theater employees seemed too put out that I'd done it, especially as we put it back as soon as the line started to move.

As we went to the 7:00 showing, there were a fair number of rather young kids in the theater. I was wagering that the magic (pun not intended) of seeing "OMG it's Harry Freaking Potter" on the big screen would engross them to the point of rapt attention, and that was mostly true. The most annoying person in my immediate vicinity was the guy next to me, who kept getting Fred (or George, I suppose) mixed up with Ron, and asked his wife to clarify things about ten times during the movie. I blocked him out, as I'm really far too tired at this point to start some sort of pissing match in the theater.

I am now resolutely rejecting the reflex to discuss the movie. I know a lot of people haven't seen it at this point, as the theaters are pretty crowded and many of you probably don't have such a burning desire to see it that you have to brave the high population theater experience. I'll wait about a week and then post my thoughts, because I know you're all just on tenterhooks waiting to see what I think.


Kindralas said...

What theater did you guys go to? Our group (if they can, indeed, be called my group anymore) are big fans of the Olive AMC, it's a pretty frigging huge theater, nice seats and all, and they still maintain a pretty good price...

Shocho said...

Sounds like you had a good time. We had a lot of kids too, and they were well behaved. Potter movies seem to always have clueless teens muttering and asking questions during the movie.

I thought the flick was great! It moved really fast. There were some bumpy bits, but generally I liked it a lot.

Maybe you can start a spoiler-filled thread so we can discuss. :)

Kindralas said...
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Kathy said...

A note about removed comments:

It's nothing personal -- I don't like comments here that give too much away about the specific location where we live. If you come too close to it, just know I will be clicking on the sad little trash can.

Again, no big. Just paranoia.

Trundling Grunt said...

We went to see it at lunchtime on Thnanksgiving - about 20 people in the theatre. I enjoyed it - rather more than 3 I think.