Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What Did Millard Fillmore Talk About?

Haven't you always wondered?

This page of cloud-type tags from select speeches from 1776 all the way through the most recent State of the Union Address will give you a little snapshot of what was on the mind of the president and the country at any given time in history.

Actually quite interesting, especially if you linger in areas away from the major wars and other well-known issues.

ETA: I posted this before I saw it on Boing Boing, actually, just so none of you think all I'm doing it re-posting BB stuff.

1 comment:

Shocho said...

Looks like Bush 43 has the fewest differen tags, and all he talks about is Iraq and terrorists. He's a boring guy.

(It's a well-known fact that BoingBoing gets all their posts from your blog and mine. They just travel back in time and post them first.)