Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ten Things

Okay, I'll jump on the "ten things" bus. Here are ten things that most of you will not know all of. Horrible sentence, that. What I mean is that most of you will probably know one or two of these things. There may even be some lucky (?) soul who knows most or all of these things.
  1. I used to love Macs. I even sent away for a bunch of promotional literature once and I planted it at our local Best Buy back when they didn't sell any Mac stuff. Now I wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole. Microsoft's far from perfect and I'm just not "counter-culture" enough to use Linux every day, but the waft of sanctomonious BS coming from Cupertino has completely put me off my lunch. Every single one of those new Mac vs. PC commercials features lies, exaggerations, and general slight-of-hand nonsense. Make your point, because you have one and I know that you do, but for heaven's sake, don't frickin' lie. Now that most of you have closed this browser window in disgust with me, I will divulge my next nine secrets.

  2. I can be hooked into nearly any crappy television show or movie if there are two characters that have chemistry and you are led to wonder if they will ever become romantically involved or not. I blame Han and Leia for this.

  3. My favorite color growing up was blue, but only because my sister's was pink and I wanted to be different from her. It took me years and years to discover that I really didn't like blue that much, and that I like green and pink much more.

  4. All those years I said I didn't want to have any kids, I still caught myself thinking up names and how I would teach them right from wrong.

  5. I write the first chapter or so of a book every once in a while, then I decide I hate it or the idea behind the book in general, and I shelve it and almost never look at it again. Sometimes I just trash it so I don't have to think about it. I have probably deleted enough prose to fill a Harry Potter book jacket in the past fifteen years or so. I show this stuff to no one before it gets incinerated.

  6. Though I never did anything with it and it was a nightmare to deal with, I still kind of miss my really long hair.

  7. If I was like a Gilmore Girls character when I was growing up, I'd like to think I was Rory. I have a secret fear that I was actually much more like Paris. I don't know if that's true or not.

  8. I quit trying to do things way too soon if I'm not good at them right away. Among other more important things, this is why I cannot knit.

  9. Though I would not want, nor would I be qualified, for the job as Donald Trump's 'Apprentice', I would love to compete in those challenges.

  10. I sometimes give inaccurate answers to casual questions if the inaccurate answer is funny. I wonder sometimes, though I don't really lie in more important situations, if that makes me a compulsive liar. Maybe it makes me a compulsive comedy liar.

1 comment:

erika said...

I miss my long hair, too.