Saturday, March 17, 2007

Review: Cocoa Peeps

cocoa peeps
Originally uploaded by cammom.
I've read a lot of smack about the new Cocoa Peeps, and I have to say, now that I've hunted down a pack of them and tried them, I don't see what's not to like.

Many people dislike traditional Peeps because they're too sweet, and there's no such issue here. The marshmallow on the inside is pretty mellow, and the cocoa on the outside is sweet without being overbearing.

Imagine a cup of cocoa with marshmallows, but with the ratio reversed...a lot of rich marshmallow taste, tinged with a chocolate flavor. And who doesn't like hot chocolate?

All in all, I liked 'em. Good luck finding them, though. I looked all over the place, all the places that normally carry the pink and yellow and blue variety, but it wasn't until I really hunted around the shelves at Target that I finally got some.

(And thanks to cammom who had a CC-licensed photo of the package on Flickr for me to put here so you'd all know what they look like. I forgot to take a picture of mine until, well, it was too late. I suppose I could take a picture of my hips, because that's what they look like now.)

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