Thursday, March 22, 2007

Pier 1 Trip, Target Trip

I have a feed that tells me when website shops are having sales, and one day recently, a Pier 1 sale popped in there.

I looked at the stuff and was surprised to see that they sell children's toys. Some of them were cute, and really cheap when they were on sale, too. However, the shipping costs seemed a little high, and it was about time for the B and I to go out now that both of us are feeling better.

I mapped out the closest Pier 1, realized then that I had seen it before and that it wasn't very far away, and got us ready to go. It wasn't until we walked in that I realized what a colossally bad idea it was.

You see, she's very excited to be walking. She doesn't tolerate the stroller as well as she used to, and I like her to be able to move around a little on her own, anyway.

But just picture a Pier 1 in your head. All sorts of glasses and dishes, along with other smallish doo-dads made out of glass. Whoever does the shelving there obviously never intended for anyone with a small child to go through there, because everything that a kid could grab, throw on the ground, and break, is right at her eye level.

Or maybe that's a good source of revenue, parents paying for the stuff their kids break.

None of their children's toys were in the store I went to. Looks like it's mainly a website thing, or maybe just larger Pier 1 stores. I, quite wisely, I think, decided to beat it out of there before I was the proud owner of some multi-colored, formerly shabby-chic glass shards.

The day wasn't a total loss, though. We had some play time outside (look for a post about that soon) and I also took the B to Target to stock on up Targetty things. And speaking of Target, I really like the little section at the front of the Targets I've been in recently, where they have bins of stuff for $1 and other bins of 2/$5. There's kid stuff in there most of the time, and some of it is really cute.

That being said, yesterday they had these board books about zoo animals, and there's a rubber version of whatever animal the book is about embedded on the last page, with the rest of the book cut through over it so you can see the rubber animal on each page. When you press on the animal, it squeaks. Our Target had the elephant, panda, and hippo, but the back of the books say there's a tiger one too.

So, if you're reading this and you're going off to your local Target, drop me a line. If no one else has found me the tiger version and you don't mind looking for it, I'd be glad to reimburse you the buck and the shipping if you find the tiger one. The B really likes these books and some collector in me would love to have the whole set.

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