Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Playing With the New Toy

I've been wanting to get this for her for awhile. It's $50-$60 new, but no one has them in stock, including every website I could think of.

Then I googled it, and found one on craigslist for $20, less than three miles away from here. Score. The mister picked it up on his way home from work and we had it here tonight, the same day that I found it on craigslist.

It needed a little cleaning (obviously) but it's in marvelous shape and I wouldn't have thought twice about buying it if I'd seen it in a resale shop in this condition.

This toy gets the best reviews online, and there's about a million ways to play with it. It's your basic baby toy that makes a bunch of noise and delights the baby, plus she can use it to pull herself to a standing position.

As you can see, she took to it right away.

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