Monday, February 28, 2005

Twenny Four

You know what sucks? Last week, at this time, it was still ten minutes until we all stood up and applauded the warning about violence on 24. We were playing 8-player MarioKart on two separate large-screen TVs with two Game Cubes LANed together.

And this week, this time, I'm not. Where's my time-turner?


Shocho said...

Yeah, I wish you could Tivo nights like that. I'd play 'em over and over.

Anonymous said...

Eight people? Even when I was there, we didn't always get that many on a Friday night.

You, Tom, Chuck, Cheryl, Evan, Tee?, ???, ???

Kathy said...

Kathy, Chuck, Cheryl, Tom, Tee, Evan, Mike G., Kyle, and we even had to sub out a few times with some guys we know who we met through some gaming.

I didn't even write about the Dreamcast maracas game (Samba de Amigo or something like that) which would be super cool if I didn't, ahem, suck at it. ;)