Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pants -> Skirt

Jeans -> SkirtSo, you all know the B is tall. She outgrows her jeans in length before the waist is too small. What's a mom to do?

So of course, I cut em' off, got a bandanna from the $1 bin at Target, and made a skirt out of them. Just the tiniest pain in the butt, but I finished it in one 1/2 hour session of cutting and pinning and then about an hour of sewing today.

It's not perfect, the enormous pockets on the original pair of jeans didn't help at all, and she keeps saying, "No!" when I ask her to put it on to have her model it for a picture, so, though I think they came out fine, perhaps it isn't the rousing success that I was hoping for.

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