Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Hope She's Not On To Something

For about a week, the B (now two and a half, for those of you who don't know) has been randomly, out of the blue, saying, "It's coming."

Now, we've said this to her when we're waiting for food at a restaurant or something like that, so she is just mimicking what we've said, but it's been a little like starring in an independent horror film for the last week or so.

Add to that her alternate names for shadows, which are "monsters" and "aliens". Where she got this, I don't know. She doesn't seem to be afraid of the "monsters" or "aliens", so I've been letting it slide and just saying, "Yes, that's a shadow," and hoping she embraces the right word on her own.

But when you put those two things together, and you get a child who says, "It's coming," and "Look, aliens!" and "Monsters!" while she points at, you know, NOTHING but some shadows on the wall, and it's honestly hard not to feel a little creeped out.

1 comment:

Jason said...

*starts whistling the X-Files theme*