Saturday, November 24, 2007

Worst Advice Ever

DEAR [author name redacted]: I haven't had a boyfriend for a while now, and I'm not sure why. Everyone says I'm cool, funny and outgoing. I play video games, sports, and do things that boys think girls would never do (like paintballing in the woods or bungee jumping over and over again).

All my guy friends think I'm awesome, and I do get compliments on my looks as well. I'm not a tomboy, I wear nice clothes and some makeup, but for some reason, whenever I get a crush on a guy, he says it would be "weird" because I'm a "really good friend."What am I doing wrong? I love who I am and so do boys. So why don't they think I could be "girlfriend material"? [advice-seeker name redacted]

DEAR [name redacted]: It may be that "guys" see you as one of them. And because of it, they don't consider you in a romantic way. Therefore, it's time to emphasize your feminine side and present yourself in a different light. This may mean temporarily downplaying your involvement in boys' sports and paintball games, and amping up your "girlishness." Give it a try and see what happens.


What a total load of horseshit. "Be yourself" unless you happen to not be girly enough, and then you'd better run off and bake a pie/do your nails/flip your hair if you want a boyfriend, honey. That is such total crap.

How about this:

You haven't met the right guy who is attracted to you for who you are and the things you like to do. Keep being you, keep looking, and don't amp up a single fucking thing that isn't a true portrayal of who are. The right guy will like you even if you *gasp* like to bungee jump.


Brad said...

i so agree. I saw an episode of MTVs Made where this hoddie wearing, spitting, sleep without sheets on the bed, hang out with the guys girl get made over to a "proper" woman for her sister's wedding shower.

It was a load of shit. the reason i watched it was because I was cheering for her to stay as she was - it was a real sad ending to see her dressing as a lady and wearing makeup in the end. because the girl at the start seemed like so much more fun.

Jason said...

Can you pass along her phone number to me?

DrHeimlich said...

I think this advice columnist has seen Grease too many times.