Thursday, November 08, 2007

Let Science Win

If you give a rat's ass about scientific principles, and about keeping the planet habitable for humans for upcoming generations, for cryin' in the sink, go here and vote for the Bad Astronomy blog.

The blog currently in the lead is a shill operation for political pandering to big corporations who are putting their fingers in their ears and yelling, "La la la! Humans have zero effect on the ecosystem, because that would be financially inconvenient! La la la!" A lot of people from that part of the political spectrum (ahem, that's as nicely as I can put that) are being sent to the awards site to vote for the pseudo-science site, and now it's winning.

I realize in all irony that I'm essentially doing the same thing, and telling you to go and vote blindly in a contest you didn't even know about a few minutes ago. Listen. I'd tell you to check all of them out and vote for the one you like, but in this case, Bad Astronomy has the best chance of winning AND representing the true, unbiased scientific process.

So if you give a crap, go and click. Thanks.

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